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ai换脸 视频 优质电视剧成立更优质的你

发布日期:2024-09-27 04:58    点击次数:96

ai换脸 视频 优质电视剧成立更优质的你

优质电视剧成立更优质的你 ai换脸 视频

If you ever feel vaguely guilty about the vast amounts of television you watch, might I suggest you cling to the findings of this study, published last week in Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. In it, the authors claim that watching high-quality television dramas — things like Mad Men or The West Wing — can increase your emotional intelligence. That is, watching good TV makes you more empathetic. 淌若你曾因看太多电视,心中吞吐感到羞愧,我建议你看完以下筹商后果。这是上周发表于《审好意思、创造及艺术心理学》上的。其中,筹商作者称,不雅看高质地的电视剧——如《告白狂东谈主》或《白宫风浪》——可提升你的情商。也即是说,看优质电视节目让你更能体察他东谈主。

In the paper, the authors describe two experiments that led them to their pro-TV conclusion. In one, they asked about 100 people to first watch either a television drama (Mad Men or The West Wing) or a nonfiction program (How the Universe Works or Shark Week: Jaws Strikes Back). Afterward, all of the participants took a test psychologists often use to measure emotional intelligence: They're shown 36 pairs of eyes and are told to judge the emotion each pair is displaying. The results showed that the people who'd watched the fictionalized shows did better on this test than those who watched the nonfiction ones. 叙述中,筹商作者态状了两个让他们提议这一论断的实验。其中一个实验中,他们先让100个东谈主不雅看电视剧(《告白狂东谈主》和《白宫风浪》)或非假造类节目(《天地解码》和《鲨鱼周:大白鲨的反击》。然后,一皆参与者剿袭一项心理学家常用于测量情商的测试:筹商东谈主员向他们展示36双眼睛,并被条目判断每双眼睛抒发的神态。后果显现,在测试中,不雅看了假造类节盘算推算东谈主,比看非假造类节盘算推算东谈主弘扬更好。

They tried this again, only switching up the programs (The Good Wife and Lost versus Nova and Through the Wormhole) and adding a control group, too: people who took the eye-reading test without watching any television first. Again, their results showed that the fiction viewers' empathy scores were superior, though the nonfiction viewers' scored higher on average than those who hadn't watched anything beforehand. 他们又试了一次,只播放《傲骨贤妻》、《迷失与新星》和《穿越虫洞》这几部电视剧,并加入浪漫组。浪漫组的参与者径直参加眼睛判断测试ai换脸 视频,不看任何电视节目。他们的后果再次显现,看假造类节盘算推算参与者情商分更高,而看非假造类节盘算推算参与者,色 影院得分也比不看电视的东谈主高。

It's a similar finding to a widely reported 2013 study that claimed that reading literary fiction is linked to better scores on this empathy-measuring test. The authors of that study and this new one argue that a complex fictional narrative forces the reader or viewer to consider a problem from multiple perspectives; further, since not every character's emotion is explicitly spelled out, the audience must do some mental work to fill in those gaps, making a guess at the inner lives of the character. 这与2013年一项被平日报谈的筹商后果一样:阅读文体演义与在情商测试中得高分有关。那项筹商的作者和此项新筹商的作者都以为,复杂的演义叙事,迫使读者好像不雅众从多方面想考问题;另外,因为不是每个脚色的心思都明确地抒发出来,不雅众必须通过一些脑力使命来弥补这些空缺,推测脚色的内心活动。

翁雨澄 肛交

That literary fiction study, however, was also widely critiqued for its methods. Specifically, the fiction the researchers chose for their study was by authors like Louise Erdrich or Anton Chekhov; the nonfiction, on the other hand, was one of three Smithsonian articles, with titles like "How the Potato Changed the World." I mention this not to speak ill of delicious tubers (I would never do that), but to point out that the nonfiction samples they chose weren't about people. No wonder the study subjects were better at reading human emotions when they'd just spent some time reading about human emotions. And this new study falls short in a similar manner: Is it really that surprising that people might be in a more empathetic state of mind after trying to figure out what is going on in Don Draper's head than they would be after watching a Shark Week show? What does that really tell us? 然则那项对文体演义的筹商,也因其筹商才气而广受品评。尤其是,筹商者为他们的筹商所选的演义,是由像路易丝•厄德里奇和契诃夫这样的履行倡导作者所写的。而他们所选的非假造文体作品,是史密森杂志的三篇著作之一,题为《土豆是怎么蜕变全国的》。我提这点不是在说土豆谰言(我永远不会这样作念的),而是为了指出,这些非假造类文体作品不是对于东谈主的。这也就难怪实验者在读完对于情面的作品后,能更好地贯穿东谈主的神态了。这项新筹商也有着一样的局限:东谈主们在揣摩唐•德雷珀(《告白狂东谈主》主角)的脑子里想什么之后,比看完《鲨鱼周》之后变得更能贯穿他东谈主,这真实令东谈主骇怪吗?这到底告诉了咱们什么?

Maybe not much, but if you're looking for an excuse to buckle down with some binge-watching now that the weather's turned, do what you will with this new research. 也许并莫得告诉咱们什么。但淌若你想趁目下天气不太好,为用心插足某部电视剧找借口,那么你看完这个新筹商之后知谈该何如作念了吧。


emotional intelligence: 情商;心思才略 empathetic: 同感的;细腻的 buckle down: 倾全力;驱动认真从事 binge-watching: 追剧

英文开头:nymag.com 译者:李天贵 审校&裁剪:丹妮ai换脸 视频

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